Our Environment

Our mixed-age classroom is composed of children 2 to 5 years old, with a maximum of 8 children. This multi-age grouping allows the younger children to learn from the older ones, giving a chance to the older children to become mentors to their younger classmates while learning and practicing leadership skills. This method develops a sense of community within the classroom where children and families stay with the same teacher for their entire early education cycle.

Behind the Design

The classroom is designed to be a beautiful, calm, and welcoming environment where children would be inspired to learn; and feel ownership of the environment and materials. The classroom itself is neutral, open-plan, and has a distinct sense of order, beauty, and harmony. Everything has a purpose and a place. There are dedicated shelves of materials for each curriculum area, a designated space to work at a table or on the floor, and a mat where the children can come together. The environment has an organic flow for movement, learning, and exploration. 

The Prepared Environment

In the prepared environment, the Montessori materials are grouped by their curriculum area, and displayed from left to right in progression order, from easiest to hardest. This logical structure provides a clear pathway for learning. The Montessori classroom is a stable learning environment that rarely changes. Shelves and furniture rarely move so that children always know where to find them and where they belong. This stability helps children in developing a sense of confidence, security, and familiarity with the environment.

Children experience the freedom of movement, choice, and time. Students can follow their interests, work with an activity for as long as they choose, and work how and where they would like. This fosters an environment where children have a safe place to explore and develop their independence.

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